Wedding at the Domaine de Caillavet in Gironde

Wedding in Gironde, one happy day !

Looking back on the 2019 season with this first wedding, which was not planned… Cindy contacts me on the Monday of the week of her wedding. A little panicked… her photographer can no longer photograph her wedding! Luckily, I booked this time for our little girl’s arrival. As everything goes well on this side, I gladly accept to fly to the rescue of this couple in distress. I must say, the photographer who announces you five days before he can not come to photograph your wedding… It puts a little pressure!

We are a few kilometers from Bordeaux. I commute between the bride’s preparations and the groom’s to stick to the schedule as best I can. Don’t miss anything. The wedding atmosphere slowly settles into the groom’s family home… But it is already the effervescence in the bride’s hotel room!

Yet it is very casual that she arrives at her father’s arm at the town hall, in her beautiful and atypical dress in red lace! This wedding dress is a real first for me, and they are gorgeous when they hug in front of their families and friends.

The tension however rises a notch when the secular ceremony is set up in the domain of Cavaillet. Much more intimate and personal than the town hall, we see the emotion take precedence over the excitement and the interventions are linked to make this marriage unique. The witnesses and the family are at the rendezvous.

It is in the happiness of all these emotions that the newlyweds then throw a merry wine of honor. The natural enthusiasm of the newlyweds is found in the eyes of their friends. This contagious joy that will never end overnight is now in the box and in the head… So… Choose wisely your wedding photographer 😀

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